
Results 5 comments of 张雅风

This is the case in BAM ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/52239895/144746111-18212052-10de-45c2-9ced-ed1aeec2ba34.png)

This is my code , I'm not sure what caused the error,,Thanks for your help !! **Step1:** /usr/bin/java fgbio-1.3.0.jar GroupReadsByUmi \ -i merge.extra_umi.bam \ -o group.bam \ -t RX -T...

sorry I am a greenhand of bioinformatics . what is maste branch? I can not fand it in mt path. this is the list of my path varsim_somatic.py liftover_restricted_vcf_map.py __init__.py...

I download that software on this website.The name of that software is varsim-master. when I run build.sh again, I got another error . [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project...

I download the software from the website you give me,but it still does not work when I run the build.sh. It gives me those information:Failed to execute goal on project...