The speed of h264 to mp4 is too slow, may I ask why? The sample is 6.3MB, it takes 6s to convert using ws.schild, but only 600ms using com.googlecode.mp4parser. Is...
How should I set the clarity to be consistent with scrcpy
I need to use this function to implement the bugreport function, and if there are multiple connects, there will be a problem that the second connect cannot be executed.
我的报错信息如下,PathClassLoader[DexPathList[[zip file "/data/local/tmp/scrcpy-server.jar"],nativeLibraryDirectories=[/vendor/lib, /system/lib]]] couldn't find "libpublish.so" 请问大神,是不是需要我自己编译so库导入,但是我编译librtmp库后,还是报错。我的运行方式是:IDEA+MUMU模拟器+android,然后使用app_process命令来执行jar包的
TRAC[0002] UsbMux send ios.connectMessage on 0xc0005165a8 TRAC[0002] UsbMux Receive on 0xc0005165d8 INFO[0003] Handshake errorEOF FATA[0003] Failed running WDA My device is iPad 13
目前iPhone设备比较昂贵,如果公司出现多个办公点,以目前的情况来说,则需要购买多个设备来进行开发和测试。是否可以在iPhone和Pc间加上一个代理服务,使得iPhone设备可以远程被用于xcode调试。 目前我了解到可以模拟lockdown来进行模拟iPhone设备链接usbmuxd,如果我在这个模拟的lockdown提供服务,允许客户端链接这个代理服务,是否就可以完成代理能力实现跨物理设备连接和使用iPhone设备