Hans Zhang

Results 23 comments of Hans Zhang

所有的 a/button/ul 都在不停地播放动画?kidding me? https://github.com/jaweii/Vueg----page-transition-plugin/blob/2696673940b8d51ae763fb73d45d2f7f230988b9/src/index.css#L17-L33

I have a solution to get the correct duration after recording on iOS: After below line: https://github.com/apache/cordova-plugin-media/blob/b1c135342619f773fee3e8693a46992a133efd56/src/ios/CDVSound.m#L777 Add: ```Objective-C [self prepareToPlay:audioFile withId:mediaId]; double duration = round(audioFile.player.duration * 1000) / 1000;...

@markshapiro I have same problem. There is no entry in `manifest.json` file.

It seems adjusting the plugin's priority to higher is able to add files to manifest.json, but both of the file names are hashed: ```js "build/app-s29a0wlk.js": "build/app-s29a0wlk.js" ```

Looks yes: > bower install --save counter-up It's best that we can add it to README.md

The `waypoints.js` wasn't installed after running bower. Is it possible that it will also be installed?

@jmlb No, it doesn't work. See below screenshot: ![screen shot 2019-03-01 at 15 02 40 2](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3062319/53621941-34e60800-3c33-11e9-8e1a-4819cce45bd6.png)

Please check: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51101408/deprecation-of-createobjecturl-and-replace-with-the-new-htmlmediaelement-srcobje ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/3062319/53622041-7b3b6700-3c33-11e9-8e25-ac38aeaae5c9.png)