Hans Zhang

Results 23 comments of Hans Zhang

@cdfre It's in line 157 in the latest version. Works like a charm! 😆 Now the only problem now is that it will run out of the edge...

Just add a height to the tree dom, not the container of the tree.

@lyzz0612 感谢你的建议。

基本功能已完成,接下来的计划: * 图片(及文本)支持直接鼠标拖动和缩放 * 支持添加文本,设置基本属性(大小、字体、间距、颜色等)

@aboutmydreams 已修复

I will choose 👍🏽 if the #766 can be fixed. It looks like it's easy to fix, but can be helpful to improve the user experience.