Counter-Up copied to clipboard
Is it support installing with Bower?
Looks yes:
bower install --save counter-up
It's best that we can add it to
The waypoints.js
wasn't installed after running bower. Is it possible that it will also be installed?
- You need to bower install Waypoints yourself.
- It only works with Waypoints V2.0.3 (the latest version is V4.0.0)
bower install waypoints#=2.0.3 --save
bower install counter-up#~1.0.0 --save
I have a PR open that allows for Waypoints versions 3+ if you'd like to use it :)
In my fork I merged a bunch of PRs along with @digsite one. I re-published the package on Bower and NPM as jquery.counterup, if you want to check it out.