Hao Zhang
Hao Zhang
我们业务侧使用的redis和其他的系统共用,目前查看数据量已经达到4GB。keys命令的执行已经严重影响redis服务的整体性能了。 简单起见,我们为这个服务单独起个redis~ 期待后续方案~
Is the queue is set exclusive = true, and used in the other connection?
In feature[https://github.com/streamnative/aop/issues/130](https://github.com/streamnative/aop/issues/130), we have add this inclueded.
@sijie @gaoran10 We have finished this feature, and we will push the code later.
``` com.diffblue deeptestutils 1.9.0 ```
What is the current progress of this pip? @poorbarcode
@hanmz Thanks for your reply. This problem also exists in the master branch. This problem not only occur in the case of geo-replication. This pip(https://github.com/apache/pulsar/pull/20469) plans to solve all similar...