Jialong Zhai

Results 14 comments of Jialong Zhai

I think we met the same issue as @jamesdolan reported. We were doing some raytrace and overlap tests from 128 threads concurrently on AMD 3990X. Switching to use Windows SRWLock...

Thanks for your report.That does not work. I will check it later.

If you have fixed it, a pull request will be so nice. Thank you. :)

The libwebsockets in Cocos2d-JS(actually comes from Cocos2d-x) is prebuilt without OpenSSL support, so it does not work with wss. You can try to built it with OpenSSL yourself. An potential...

Sorry I have no idea about that now.

Yes, jsb supports socket.io. There is a sample in `/js-tests/src/ExtensionsTest/NetworkTest/SocketIOTest.js`

Yes, it is a known issue. The libwebsockets in `frameworks/js-bindings/cocos2d-x/external` is built without OpenSSL support. Websockets in JSB also can't connect to wss. https://github.com/cocos2d/cocos2d-x-3rd-party-libs-bin/issues/27

@IgorMats Yes, I agree with you. Seems that they met problems when builing libwebsockets linked with OpenSSL. I am not sure about that, looking forward to your good news. Thank...


`ActionInterval` cannot be extended in jsb now. For the `update` function written in js will not be invoked in c++, unless you make your modification in C++.