I added these styles to twitter.gt2eb.style.css and my trend box looks like the old one ``` /********************** TRENDS ***********************/ /* remove Trend categories */ div[data-testid="trend"] > div:first-child > div:first-child.css-1dbjc4n.r-1d09ksm.r-18u37iz.r-1wbh5a2 {display:...
You can change the font size for the trend names ``` /* trend name color and size*/ .gt2-dashboard-profile a:link, a.gt2-trend:link, a.gt2-trend:visited { color: rgb(29 161 242) !important; **font-size:12px !important;** }...
> > > > I added these styles to twitter.gt2eb.style.css and my trend box looks like the old one > > ``` > > /********************** TRENDS ***********************/ > > >...
I am missing something? No matter what IP I use What's happening appears where trends appeared before so it's not IP based. Is there any setting on twitter itself that...
> Can you visit [settings/trends](https://twitter.com/settings/trends)? Yes I can but the problem is no matter what country I set there I don't get the trend list but What's happening list