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Replace the new trends tab with just... trends

Open shootlazer opened this issue 4 years ago • 6 comments

The new trend tab mixes "moments" with trending topics.


The classic trendings (no descriptions, no news articles, just plain text) are still accesible on TweetDeck, so there must be a way to retrieve them.


shootlazer avatar Jun 10 '20 01:06 shootlazer

I added these styles to and my trend box looks like the old one

/**********************  TRENDS ***********************/

/* remove Trend categories */
div[data-testid="trend"] > div:first-child >  div:first-child.css-1dbjc4n.r-1d09ksm.r-18u37iz.r-1wbh5a2
{display: none !important;}

/* remove trend explanations*/
div.css-1dbjc4n.r-1pz39u2.r-1inuy60.r-m611by {display: none !important;}

/* remove trend arrows*/
div.css-1dbjc4n.r-u8s1d.r-zchlnj.r-1jy2w8o  {display: none !important;}

/* trend name color */
.gt2-dashboard-profile a:link, a.gt2-trend:link, a.gt2-trend:visited {
color: rgb(29 161 242) !important;

/* remove trend bottom border */
.r-qklmqi {border: none !important;}

/* trends padding bottom 0 */
div[data-testid="trend"] {padding-bottom: 0px  !important;}

/* set tweet number font size */
{font-size:12px !important}

/* reduce margin between trends */
{margin-top:-5px !important;}

old trends

edit: wrapped code

zetorplugger avatar Jun 10 '20 17:06 zetorplugger

Looks great. Way much better than this "newsfeed" thing. Although they look bigger than they were.

shootlazer avatar Jun 11 '20 00:06 shootlazer

You can change the font size for the trend names

/* trend name color and size*/
.gt2-dashboard-profile a:link, a.gt2-trend:link, a.gt2-trend:visited {
color: rgb(29 161 242) !important;
    **font-size:12px  !important;**

and the trend number font size:

/* set tweet number font size */
**font-size:11px !important**

edit: wrapped code

zetorplugger avatar Jun 11 '20 08:06 zetorplugger

I added these styles to and my trend box looks like the old one

/**********************  TRENDS ***********************/

/* remove Trend categories */
div[data-testid="trend"] > div:first-child >  div:first-child.css-1dbjc4n.r-1d09ksm.r-18u37iz.r-1wbh5a2
{display: none !important;}

/* remove trend explanations*/
div.css-1dbjc4n.r-1pz39u2.r-1inuy60.r-m611by {display: none !important;}

/* remove trend arrows*/
div.css-1dbjc4n.r-u8s1d.r-zchlnj.r-1jy2w8o  {display: none !important;}

/* trend name color */
.gt2-dashboard-profile a:link, a.gt2-trend:link, a.gt2-trend:visited {
color: rgb(29 161 242) !important;

/* remove trend bottom border */
.r-qklmqi {border: none !important;}

/* trends padding bottom 0 */
div[data-testid="trend"] {padding-bottom: 0px  !important;}

/* set tweet number font size */
{font-size:12px !important}

/* reduce margin between trends */
{margin-top:-5px !important;}

Can you teach me how to do that in a comprehensive way? I tried adding that but is just one flat line and it didn't quite work

fid3lito avatar Jun 11 '20 11:06 fid3lito

this is getting a bit off topic. the initial request was to show only trends in the trends section, not how to modifiy their looks.

also please note that modifying the files this script uses will be reverted once you update.

The classic trendings (no descriptions, no news articles, just plain text) are still accesible on TweetDeck, so there must be a way to retrieve them.

Yes, there is a way. But the user needs to be authenticated, so the same thing applies to this as with that issue:

Bl4Cc4t avatar Jun 11 '20 13:06 Bl4Cc4t

I added these styles to and my trend box looks like the old one

/**********************  TRENDS ***********************/

/* remove Trend categories */
div[data-testid="trend"] > div:first-child >  div:first-child.css-1dbjc4n.r-1d09ksm.r-18u37iz.r-1wbh5a2
{display: none !important;}

/* remove trend explanations*/
div.css-1dbjc4n.r-1pz39u2.r-1inuy60.r-m611by {display: none !important;}

/* remove trend arrows*/
div.css-1dbjc4n.r-u8s1d.r-zchlnj.r-1jy2w8o  {display: none !important;}

/* trend name color */
.gt2-dashboard-profile a:link, a.gt2-trend:link, a.gt2-trend:visited {
color: rgb(29 161 242) !important;

/* remove trend bottom border */
.r-qklmqi {border: none !important;}

/* trends padding bottom 0 */
div[data-testid="trend"] {padding-bottom: 0px  !important;}

/* set tweet number font size */
{font-size:12px !important}

/* reduce margin between trends */
{margin-top:-5px !important;}

Can you teach me how to do that in a comprehensive way? I tried adding that but is just one flat line and it didn't quite work

Just copypaste that CSS code after that one line and Click File -> Save


And yes as Bl4Cc4t said if this won't be part of the update you will have to repeat this after the update. alternatively if you are using Firefox you can create a userContent.css file in the in the C:\Users\YourUserName\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxxx.default-release\chrome\ folder and copypaste that code between

@-moz-document domain( {


zetorplugger avatar Jun 11 '20 18:06 zetorplugger