Bryson Chavis
Bryson Chavis
Could you tell me a little bit more of what you want? How do you envision a "search." Are we thinking a big list like the !help command? Or something...
If there is an api, it seems simple enough. Have you researched the subject? @MayorMonty For @Jay-Madden's rate limit problem, we could add a call back function? That way the...
People have since implemented this feature. I think we can close the issue @Jay-Madden.
#263 Adds the professor name linting feature
I LOVE THIS IDEA I'm thinking something like the duckduckgo search results? We could piece together the images from assets. We could even add a M T W Th F...
@gskrish7 I tried something locally, and I suspect like @mbratch, that you may be failing to free some external resource. Are you printing the object? If you call `cJSON_Print(root)`, malloc...