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Zeit der Forschung
**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** After a while, the SMTP connection in the (g)mail provider is disconnected for some reason (network interrupted, etc). Any log...
Thank you very much, you have created a really amazing library. 👍🏻 I have come across a special case. I have keyword fields that contain wildcard characters (* or ?)....
### What package has an issue @mantine/core ### Describe the bug First of all, thank you for the fantastic v7 version without CSS-in-JS. I have successfully migrated an entire application...
I use your cool Excel-like spreadsheet in our app and I like it 👍. I have the following Problem: In our use case it doesn't make sense that if someone...
We’ve built an AI assistant for researchers with thousands of users who love our auto-generated diagrams. However, they want to edit these diagrams further. While Mermaid Live supports URL submissions...