Zeit der Forschung
Zeit der Forschung
We have the same problem. We run lfoppiano/grobid:0.8.0 docker image in a docker swarm environment on Azure and Netcup infrastructure. Unfortunately, Grobid Service does not only shut down the container,...
Two grobid services with default config and 4G memory resource limit on a 3 x 16GB machine cluster. Should not crash the entire Docker environment. I read about the --init...
Yes, I have added the init parameter to the docker compose file and will see if that fixes the problem. Thanks for your help!
@lfoppiano I switched to the latest lfoppiano/grobid:latest-develop image which uses tini, seems more robust. Setting `--init` alone with the 0.8.0 release caused vm crashes. However, this information is not reliable...
@lfoppiano You are absolutely right, using dev builds is like playing russian roulette 😁 We will definitely switch to the new 0.8.0 release, thanks a lot!
@HenryHengZJ The retrieval agent works as expected, when changing the model type from `ChatOpenAI` to `BaseModel`. I don't think it is a good solution, but it works. See patch at...
Here is another one in mermaid diagrams: ```html ```
@rpearce Thank you for working on it. I just tested it and don't know if it is a problem with the update or in my code, but this... ...turns into...
@rpearce Update 5.2.4 works like a charm! 👍🏻 Very cool, thank you very much.