You want me to post my full server console? I gave you all the errors that came up when the user is kicked Sent from Yahoo Mail for iPhone On...
Understood. I'm using MMDLib-1.12- Unfortunately the logs from earlier are already gone so I went ahead and replicated the error here: https://pastebin.com/bTQHNh0y
> I will soonish. Take your time, I've just advised my server to not use the armor until a fix comes out.
> Please fix this @jriwanek my friend group server has justg had someone kicked and he cant rejoin :( also @zderApfel have you found a way around this like clearing...
Thanks for the response: So I actually discovered after posting this that vanilla explosions DO damage the ship, it's just that specifically explosions from Crayfish's Gun Mod don't (the bazooka...