Zoltan Csahok

Results 5 issues of Zoltan Csahok

I have recently purchased a board on Ali and uploading your firmware produced a randomly garbled display. I turns out that my board has a common anode (CA) LED display...

(this is still work in progress, comments are welcome) My motivation was twofold: 1) provide a single-key alternative to close keyer window without stopping keying. This allows faster typing of...

- :CFG/:SET does no reload configuration as if it is done at program start * commenting out/removing some configs (just to name a few: SEND_DE, NOB4, CONTEST_MODE, MINITEST) has no...

* mark own node on frequency display (Alt-J) ![image](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/6dced1ff-794b-4a8e-b488-90b2e5315659) * on :INFo panel add own node name if LAN is active. Added "Total" to the received stats to visually separate...

Allow generating several multipliers for a single QSO. These are generated by the corresponding contest plugin as a space separated list. Usages include both explicit multipliers as for California QSO...