Zoltan Csahok

Results 16 comments of Zoltan Csahok

@m5evt what is your `SYNCFILE` setting? (logcfg.dat)

Re rsync: it would just help transferring the log file as then it's merged using `cat log1 log2 | sort -g -k4,4 | uniq`. (Of course the merge can be...

Would be fine for CW, but it does have a meaning for digimodes. I assume nobody uses back tick even in digimode. And it's just "almost" Esc on the keyboard.

Checked the code: enter is mapped to space (newline is send by | (pipe)). We could change this mapping to happen for digimode only.

Added closing on enter in CW mode. Not sure why was the enter->space mapping introduced, as enter makes completely sense in digimode. Using enter to close keyer windows it pretty...

Re SEND_DE: my preference in a), so F1 would send "DE " in both input fields. But b) would be also fine: stations calling with DE are very rare.

Re keyboard_mode: originally keyboard mode (=using keyer window) was a standalone mode with it's own key handling. The mode was temporarily overwritten when in keyer and then restored. This caused...

Added closing on cursor down. Now we have a lot of options... ;-) I see the point regarding mapping enter key. For the time being I'd leave it as is....

Partly related: `add_callarea()` seems to be unused along with `manise80` and `callareas[]`.