Zoltan Csahok
Zoltan Csahok
Another point for scoring: when reading the log file the score field is used as-is. ``` if (iscontest) { // get points total = total + log_get_points(inputbuffer); ``` I think...
Is there anything open for this issue?
I see. `USE_COUNTRYLIST_ONLY` has also some "magic" quirks as it sets the value of `countrylist_only` flag based on which side of multi one is. Provided, of course, that this information...
A good test vehicle would be ARRL-DX.
Looks good. Even if we change the scoring logic it becomes more logical and easier to follow/explain, which is a good thing. The *ONLY keywords can be then dropped. Well,...
Please check this wiki summarizing the variants: https://github.com/TG9541/stm8ef/wiki/W1209-Identifying-'compliant'-boards