I think this issue is not relevant anymore as we don't have unlock system in the arsenal anymore. @StefArma re-open if i'm mistaking.
Then why close ? This a huge work for a huge improvement no ?
Yes either check if landing is above water or teleport unit on closest ground.
You can refuel heli at least at chalkia and some other cities too. Actually it seems we can script it. **Scenario:** I am at position _sameRadiusAsFuelNozzle of a Fuel...
Need rebase
Let's keep this for a few but #346 will probably replace this one.
same here, tho it works when on one file or small folders
Probably linked to #285
Is this still happening @AlexTriada ?
`vehInGarage` is defined as a global variable in file `initVar.sqf` so i don't think that's the problem (even if handling it in a global variable is probably not best option...