Zakharov Sawyer
Zakharov Sawyer
Can confirm, getting the same thing.
Seems like it has to do with the version of Leaflet, using "" instead of the newest version seems to fix it.
Unfortunately, my PHP is lackluster. I've really only made it this far by studying what code does, breaking it repeatedly until I get it to do what I want. If...
Sorry for the long delay. Hexes can have one of two orientations as you probably know. ( It appears the ones used for the Hexenbracken maps are all set up...
Thanks! I'd appreciate it but understand if you don't get to it. :)
I'm running into the same situation. Ghost-CLI version: 1.17.3 Ghost version: 4.6.4 (at C:\wamp64\www\ghost) GSSG version: 1.0.1