Results 35 issues of Zak Patterson

See this build log: ``` [info] PetEndpointsSpec: [info] - create pet *** FAILED *** [info] MalformedMessageBodyFailure was thrown during property evaluation. [info] Message: Malformed message body: Invalid JSON [info]...

help wanted

On successful build from travis, the most recent generated docs should be deployed to the github pages site. So far this has been done manually: [Adding docs deployment to...

The `sbt-native-packager` is already added to this project.

Taxpayers that receive any statement reportable to the IRS with their SSN should have a "Wage and Income Tax Transcript" [Available here]( This PDF, when downloaded, is copy pasteable, not...


This is not a PR, it's an issue! - Someone wanting to assist may add as a remote and submit a PR there based on the `fix-intermittent-fica-test-failure` branch. Feel...

On 1099 page, with 1 or more 1099s existing, 1. Click edit 2. Attempt to change a number 3. Notice the focus is taken back to the "Type of" dropdown....

good first issue

For the reasonable methods of attributing state taxes to investment income, we are to use "any reasonable method" to derive a ratio of state and local taxes attributable to investment...

Run all tests and build as github actions, then only on success, deploy preview to netlify. At time to merge, just need to halt builds on the netlify side, at:...

K-1 dividend and interest income flow through easily to schedule B and should be pretty painless to add.
