Results 51 comments of Zak Patterson

This makes sense to me just for standardizing across multiple types of data. Is there a function we would write that would only rely on an instance of `Creatable` or...

Hm perhaps by an interesting choice of `F` it could be done? I think working an example of such a thing would be good.

[Another example, using the `deploy:` travis task](

This occurred again: ``` [info] PetEndpointsSpec: [info] - create pet *** FAILED *** [info] MalformedMessageBodyFailure was thrown during property evaluation. [info] Message: Malformed message body: Invalid JSON [info] Occurred...

On a related note, I've been trying to figure out a way to organize code so that the response and serialization types are separated a little better from the "business...

I think starting a work-in-progress PR for the TSec stuff, and just leaving off the integration testing for it is a great idea. As an aside, I do think the...

TodoMVC implementation: [See source]( [See demo](

@elyphas if you have some example of any kind I would welcome it to be included as an example in this project: I'd be happy to work with you...

The netbeans dependencies are resolved using the following resolver: "netbeans repository" at "" Unfortunately the other two I was not able to work out. The jars appear to be available...

We just created our own maven repository (actually just a directory on an aws server with the maven directory structure) and put the jar file [downloaded from here]( in there...