Christian Zagarskas
Christian Zagarskas
TLDR: Allow us to swap 'ImageEditor' with 'Pintura' for both `onBeforeFileAdded`, adding new Dashboard 'edit' button Pintura can be integrated quite well to hook into the `onBeforeFileAdded: useEditorWithUppy()` method as...
After completing an Uppy integration with Dropbox and Google Drive, via the Transloadit Companion integration path: I am extremely impressed with this entire project, the elegance of the code, the...
The following two do_actions would be really nice to have when adding custom meta fields to levels: **On line 394** This would be great: `do_action( 'pmpro_membership_level_before_billing_details', $level );` **On...
When **pmpro_getAllLevels()** is called it should include _all custom meta_ that has been added to any level via **get_pmpro_membership_level_meta()** Consider how this solution works for grabbing ALL user meta:...
**jquery-confirm version:** v3.3.4 **I'm submitting a ...** (check one with "x") [x] bug report [xxx] feature request [ ] support request **Current behavior:** When popup happens the user can scroll...
FEATURE REQUEST: When `grecaptcha.render()` is set and a `container` is passed in as a `(string)` please honor the string by passing it into the DIV container element that the grecaptchaPopup...
**Describe the bug** Very simple: PMPRO is _aggressively_ loading its own version of select2 on ALL admin pages. This creates problems. There are other plugins and themes out there using...
**Describe the bug** Creation of dynamic properties deprecation notice when members cancel memberships (when email class fires) **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. turn on error logging in...
This link on this page is 404 Searching google for `FontAwesome::query()` brings no love. Also note, the documentation on the following pages may not be accurate (or PHP8.2...
the form on this page is broken if you are going to "give" it then give it. Place it here on GitHub This experience has made me "not want"...