wordpress-fontawesome copied to clipboard
documentation missing - FontAwesome::query()
This link on this page is 404
Searching google for FontAwesome::query()
brings no love.
Also note, the documentation on the following pages may not be accurate (or PHP8.2 and WPengine may be at fault here)
- https://docs.fontawesome.com/apis/graphql/get-started
Content-Type: application/json
does not work
The following would have been super helpful to know.
$api_get = '/font-awesome/v1/api';
$request = new WP_REST_Request( 'POST', $api_get );
$request->set_header( 'content-type', 'application/graphql' ); // works
// FAILS: $request->set_header( 'content-type', 'application/json' );
/// all of these will fail with 'application/json' but work with application/graphql
//$request->set_body( 'query { me { kits { token name } } }' );
//$request->set_body( 'query { search (version: "6.0.0", query: "lightsaber", first: 5) { id } }' );
$request->set_body( 'query { search (version: "6.0.0", query: "lightsaber", first: 15) { id unicode membership {free pro} } }' );
$response = rest_do_request( $request );
if ( $response->is_error() ) { echo " failed"; print_r( $response );}
if ( !$response->is_error() ) {
echo "===worked=== ";
$select2_json_data = $response->get_data();
print_r( $select2_json_data );
$headers = $response->get_headers();
print_r( $headers );
I was able to find public function query( $request )
within class-fontawesome-api-controller.php
which is what lead me to believe I should be using WP_REST_Request
because class FontAwesome_API_Controller extends WP_REST_Controller
In closing:
documentation would be good - showing working examples for WP_REST_Request on docs.fontawesome.com would be nice
- Lost lots of life on this... time I will want back on my deathbed. (maybe blame php 8.2? anyway, "documentation missing => life missing")
PS: the WP plugin is super cool in all other regards. I have now read through most of the code, its nicely done.