Results 22 comments of Zadok

It might be that " \r\n" is not triggering a new line, but " \n" is not.

It depends on what size your intending to use the icons at. I have the opposite problem. I tend to make the font smaller, and have to futz around with...

That said, there are a few that genuinely do not align perfectly, but I assume your referring to overall general alignment not specific icons.

I suspect this code: ``` func (user *User) Following() *Users { users := &Users{} users.inst = user.inst users.endpoint = fmt.Sprintf(urlFollowing, user.ID) return users } ``` It appears to assume `user.inst`...

Im not overly familiar with SOAP/WSDL, but there does appear to be some weirdness with redirection from http to https.

The above is out of date. See:

Excellent, thanks. I agree libraries should avoid feature bloat. I was providing the reference to provide evidence that this enhancement wasn't just a wacky idea I dreamed up. Not to...

Thanks! I do strongly agree with the general principle of keeping code as simple as possible. I'll propose my reasons for the idea that, in this case, it may be...

Aaah great, I'll have a look at the PR's. Im still learning the code, my initial reaction however, is that perhaps the `SuggestedTicks` in the default ticker: ``` func (DefaultTicks)...

Furthermore, I am wondering, Would it be worth submitting a patch for a different ticker options, i.e. `MonthlyTimeTicks`, or `WeeklyTimeTicks`. I'm going to do it anyway, just not sure if...