Pablo 'zacr0' Suárez
Pablo 'zacr0' Suárez
Ok, thank you very much for your answer. Although it doesn't matter, then the pretrained model you provided has been trained using the right camera images? So I can be...
This was already pointed out in previous issues. The default values for learning rate are too high, which leads to your problem, try lower values.
Exact same problem here. Any solutions?
Ok @albanie, thank you very much for your time! I've been trying to debug the problem, and I think I've found a possible source of it: In ssd_init.m, from line...
Thanks for the finding @kankanar ! I was getting this warning, followed by an error: `Warning: The most recent version of vl_nnloss normalizes the loss by the batch size. The...
It seems it works fine now, amazing job! I've run the training script for some iterations and got NaN as result, but I've noticed there were previous issues related that...