Zach DeCook
Zach DeCook
One thought is to make it impossible to remove an envelope with a nonzero balance. So if you want to remove it, you must first transfer the money out of...
Clarity implies that it's clear exactly how the launcher works. To someone who didn't set it up (or go through the tutorial), this app just looks like a clock, with...
Example error message for private channel/thread from me ``` WARN ircslack: Failed to post message to Slack to target @+zach-private-channel-1660941971.730699: channel_not_found ```
I've seen this with a reaction to a threaded message being sent as if to the parent message (in the #180 unknown channel)
@daita When I run `./occ config:app:get social address`, it gives me the http version (I use https). Can this be fixed somehow?
Github provides a feed that can be acceszed by sending a specific request accept header: `curl -H "Accept: application/atom+xml"` Conveniently, this already uses the same url your user-feed uses....
I like the idea of yaml as authoritative input. Here's my shell one-liner to get that ability: ```sh cat resume.yml |python3 -c 'import json,sys;from ruamel.yaml import YAML;yaml=YAML(); print(json.dumps(yaml.load(sys.stdin)))' |hackmyresume build...
`hackmyresume merge a.json b.json | hackmyresume analyze -` The merge command should read in multiple files and output a single merged file. This is then [piped]( into the analyze command...
I have this issue with senpai: Only things starting with "#" or "&" are classified as channels (`chantypes`). "@+" are `prefixSymbols`. We should send a CHANTYPES message so it knows...