HackMyResume copied to clipboard
Take Fresca YAML as input?
FRESCA supports YAML as input, would HackMyResume want to extend it's engine to support taking .yml files as input?
Yes. Starting in ~~v1.7.0~~ v1.8.0 HMR will accept "equivalent" YML and/or XML for any resume input --- including both FRESH/FRESCA and JSON Resume formats.
Also mentioned in #11.
Will this support multiple yaml files, e.g. hackmyresume build resume1.yml resume2.yml TO resume.json
? also is there a format assumed (jrs or fresh)?
I like the idea of yaml as authoritative input. Here's my shell one-liner to get that ability:
cat resume.yml |python3 -c 'import json,sys;from ruamel.yaml import YAML;yaml=YAML(); print(json.dumps(yaml.load(sys.stdin)))' |hackmyresume build /dev/stdin TO index2.html
Note: requires pip3 install ruamel.yaml