Tail Wag Games

Results 39 comments of Tail Wag Games

I have a feeling you're going to run into a lot of issues with accessing foreign threads in Nim. Might want to take a look at the Nim docs around...

Hi @theodorosploumis ! I'm sorry I didn't reply sooner, I didn't see the comment until tonight. I currently have a friend working on the logo for me, but I'd be...

Hi @thmslld thanks for the suggestion! I hadn't heard of Netlify before. I set something up using github pages - http://fragworks.io - not sure if Netlify would make life any...

@sible777 thanks for pointing that out! I'll fix that today.

This needs a lot of investigation and a lot of changes are needed in the core of FRAG to properly support android. I'm going to need either - A) Someone...

Hi @TomAshley303 unfortunately development on FRAG has ceased. I ended up being the only maintainer and I'm not satisfied with how the project turned out. Rather than attempting to refactor...

``` proc newTiledMapComponent*(): TiledMapComponent = return TiledMapComponent() proc source*(self: TiledMapComponent): TiledMap = return self.source proc `source=`*(self: TiledMapComponent, value: TiledMap) = self.source = value # when the user changes the tiledmap,...

Yup! I will add these. Also - I'm very much considering removing the nakefile and replacing it with build tasks in the nimble file instead. Whatever I end up doing,...

@anthonyfinch you can indeed! I believe I have a makefile for bgfx shared that should work. Here's a gist : https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/cfd9b242024b1727d3fe6f90241c3f7d The key lines are : https://gist.github.com/zacharycarter/cfd9b242024b1727d3fe6f90241c3f7d#file-bgfx-shared-lib-make-L61 (Note - this...

@anthonyfinch good call when I get around to working on the docu this section I will add it to the dependencies section for linux.