
Results 11 issues of z626093820

When I use the command : python -m jcvi.formats.gff bed --type=gene --key=Accession I_aquatica.gff3 -o I_aquatica.bed The fourth column name of the output bed file is not the name corresponding to...

When I use the bar and scattered dotted drawings for drawing, the scattered dotted diagram cannot be displayed correctly in the correct position,how can I slove this? THANK YOU! ```python...


After I use annotator.configure(test='t-test_ind', text_format='full') to calculate the p-value, how can I round it to two decimal places." THANK YOU!

Hello, can the upset package customize the display of the number of specific groups? THANK YOU!

When I analyze using the default parameters, the following error occurs. What should I set the kmer parameters to? 23-12-30 15:24:20 [INFO] After filtering, remained 0 (0.00%) differential (freq >=...

When I use the gff.gff_to_gtf function it reports an error: ![image](https://github.com/reneshbedre/bioinfokit/assets/37371455/b9147238-e8b2-4aae-8d4e-20386314746a) bellow is my gff Ib01g1h maker gene 15818 17820 . + . ID=Ib01g1h00010;Name=Ib01g1h00010 Ib01g1h maker exon 15818 16247 ....

The software is a very good project, but could the pop-up SFTP window be user customizable as a resident window or a separate window?


**when i use the metaplots function of ribocode 1.2.14, it show the error:, how can i slove it ,thank you in advance!!!** Create metaplot file and predict the P-site locations...

when i use the command : metaplots -a -r ,it show ImportError: cannot import name 'PPoly' from partially initialized module 'scipy.interpolate' (most likely due to a circular import) (/home/zhai2/miniconda3/lib/python3.8/site-packages/scipy/interpolate/__init__.py) how...