Vladimir Zakharov
Vladimir Zakharov
These examples are broken on current `master`: - freefinger_noforce_radau.py - sloppycell_example.py Git bisect points to commit 450c9f38dc3.
`Vode_ODEsystem` is based on `scipy.integrate.ode`, which supports several integrators ("vode", "lsoda", "dorpi5", "dop853"). Suggestion: make it possible to select integrator somehow. Possible solutions: - Add option to `Vode_ODEsystem` for selected...
While preparing data to be returned to Python, function `PackOut` (`PyDSTool/integrator/interface.c`) makes a copy of _all_ computed data and **doubles** amount of used memory as a result.
Needs refactoring and whitespace clean up.
To simplify up-to-dating non-API documentation from [PyDSTool homepage](http://www.ni.gsu.edu/~rclewley/PyDSTool/FrontPage.html). Also this will make possible to use http://read-the-docs.org for auto-generating actual documentation.
`EvMapping` object from PyDSTool/ModelTools.py defines `__cmp__` method. This method returns `True` or `False`. That contradicts to Python 2 demands ([Python 2 data model](https://docs.python.org/2/reference/datamodel.html#object.__cmp__) - method must return integer, and 0...