Hey there, thanks for the great suggestions. These are all really good so I'll probably work towards getting them all implemented. I'll split this up into separate issues for easier...
@EmperorEarth Thanks for the clarification. Solved in 6b09f1c8ef69dc94663a0f4dba26088486ceae09.
Thanks for the kind words about CPod. The unsubscribe button was originally not on the podcast thumbnail, but I added it in response to a user's suggestion. I think what...
Hi ZeroDot1, glad you're liking CPod. Points two and three, I'll get on them. I'll split full dark theme into a separate issue as it will likely take a longer...
Hi, this may be somewhat difficult, as CPod would have no direct way to identify what podcast and which episode each file belongs to. ~~Is it possible to configure Flexget...
Hi Renato, I've added numbers to your description to aid the clarity of our discussion. (1): This can be done. (2): Thanks for the suggestion. This is something I plan...
I will have to try out Apple Podcasts myself to see what you mean. Thanks for the suggestion.
If I'm understanding this correctly, the better solution would be to properly load default settings in `main.js` and in the `window-all-closed` handler make the call to `app.quit()` conditional on `taskbarClose`...
Hi, I can do that. Just to clarify, do you mean an option to keep playing episodes until a certain time limit?
Will do. Thanks for the suggestion.