Yuzu MX
Yuzu MX
Hello: I want to ask is there any way to replace the `C-c /` prefix? Because this prefix conflicts with the key bindings of many of the modes I use...
Hello The module "data" is not all about the "data" configuration, but more about the "configuration file" configuration. `json` and `xml` can be thought of as data, while several other...
Hello, and forgive me for my poor English. I really like your theme, but I found some small problems that bothered me. In other themes, the org-mode and markdown levels...
Hello: I mentioned this issue in #410 . I revisit this because I think that this feature needs to be improved, not just provide a workaround. Because php-mode wakes up...
Hello: When `global-company-mode` is enabled, do I need to add this code to enable racer complete ? ``` emacs-lisp (add-hook 'racer-mode-hook #'company-mode) ``` Thank you.
Hello: I saw this commit of purcell: https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d/commit/f8782da7d91a0726aad8649ee77b6bfbaf31833a So I would like to ask, is it necessary to manually enable the eloc support for racer (under Emacs 25.1 and later)?...
Hello: Inspired by the code of purcell: https://github.com/purcell/emacs.d/blob/ce03e69652f03f636e26c92f12d6d79c024c3d2c/lisp/init-company.el#L26-L43 The following is my "copy or imitate": ```emacs-lisp (with-eval-after-load 'company (with-eval-after-load 'indent-guide (defvar sanityinc/indent-guide-on-p nil) (make-variable-buffer-local 'sanityinc/indent-guide-on-p) (defun sanityinc/indent-guide-disable (&rest ignore) (when...
Hello and sorry for my poor English. Should I check if Dash is installed? In other words, if I install this package when Dash is not installed, will it cause...