Is will Gogs's rest API support getting tags or pull request in the future? If not, is there any reason? I really think it is a good feature for other...
/priority critical
Related Issue: https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/issues/5302 PR is not ready for review now! 😂
Thanks for your reply @vdemeester ! > Given that a `TaskRun` has a `PodTemplate` field, and that it is possible to set the `PodTemplate` in the `TaskRunTemplate` field, we should...
@vdemeester @lbernick looks like making this change in v1 is a better option, should I close this PR or finish this TEP first but implement it in v1?
I don't mind at all 😁. I'll do it when I'm fine.
@vdemeester @lbernick Changes are synced, please correct me if I don't understand correctly.
Yes, I think we have had the validation but when someone set renewDeadline greater than lease duration the whole process will block and does not throw an error. I don't...
I meet this too. Maybe we can try to compile the code by ourself for different arch and change the plugins.yaml to make sure different arch can use the right...
add functionality that cancels the TaskRun when the pod encounters an error such as InvalidImageName
related PR: https://github.com/tektoncd/pipeline/pull/4618