Yu Xiang Z.
Yu Xiang Z.
"Preview on side panel"(1) and "Launch on browser"(2) don't seem to resolve to the same root directory. Suppose a file as `C:\\foo\\bar\\www.html`: - when I set workspace folder path to...
> @yuxiang-zhang Do you have an example of a test? yeah inside tests/functional/eks/test_get_token.py
https://github.com/eksctl-io/eksctl/blob/9575570b554610129382d0a181645a3806cea98f/pkg/cfn/builder/karpenter.go#L151-L169 Looks like the controller policy is missing the `AllowPassingInstanceRole` defined here: https://github.com/aws/karpenter-provider-aws/blob/daeb5da355fce14f718f51c4956ca8f9319103dd/website/content/en/docs/getting-started/getting-started-with-karpenter/cloudformation.yaml#L186-L196
Hi @mauriciovasquezbernal I believe the error isn't surfaced because you set the `--wait=false`
Hi @eiffel-fl, we'll need more details on how you configure the cluster and what does your tests do to the VPC/subnets. We also create clusters to run tests and tear...
The tool doesn't work if my history file is not at the default location. It'd be great to be able to specify the history file location
We are trying to prioritize this feature request and get it merged soon. Note that this implements the same feature as #5413
Kindly note that this issue has been fixed with the new `--user-alias` flag implemented in #5165 and available since `v1.27.98` and `v2.11.6`.
https://github.com/eksctl-io/eksctl/blob/9575570b554610129382d0a181645a3806cea98f/pkg/cfn/builder/statement.go#L390-L520 AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy is defined entirely here. Have you tried to configure it with what's shown in the doc? https://eksctl.io/usage/iam-policies/?h=ebs#supported-iam-add-on-policies
Hi @kidda12 can you elaborate what problem did you run into?