我正在使用两块2080ti训练hrnet,出现了 Out of memory报错 每块显卡有11GB可用显存 我的配置文件是 " experiments/coco/hrnet/w32_256x192_adam_lr1e-3.yaml" 输出报错信息为: I‘m running the train.py with two 2080ti but got a "Out of memery" error. Each of the two gpus has 11GB...
Thanks for your excellent work and codes! I notice that a small set DL is used to train the backbone. I can find the data frames selected during active learning...
Hello! Thank you for your amazing work! Recently I am trying to apply CRB to other models since PV RCNN requires to much GPU memories. I chose Pointpillar and kitti...
Hello! Thanks for your work! I'm faced with a trouble and hope you could help. I'm trying to run train a model and I set batch_size=1 and epoches=20 by running...
Hello, thanks for you ADA codebase. I try to train pvrcnn with Bi3D, I use kitti as source domain and a custom dataset in kitti format (smaller than kitti) as...