Juraj Novák
Juraj Novák
When method parameter is annotated with `@NonNull` -> generate runtime assertions in code like this: ```Java void foo(@NonNull final String param) { /* Code generated by Blade */ if (param...
It would be great if one could simply swap data layer - let's say you want to use steam networking API layer for sending and receiving packets. Currently everything is...
I am working on moveable platform in 2D which has constant velocity and uses StaticBody. The issue is that corrections keep incrementing even though I applied new corrected position. I...
and also could be helpful to show number of corrections and time of last correction for specific objects
Is there any way to limit arrays ? Something like this would be useful: ``
In Activity/Fragment: ``` @OnMessage(R.id.message_friend_online) public void onFriendOnline(@NonNull final LocalMessage msg) { FriendData obj = msg.getObject(); // ... } ``` listener registration will be generated automatically or user will define something...
Check If onBindViewHolder/onCreateViewHolder is not too slow (which can cause lags while scrolling list) and then show warning in logs.
https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/SVG/Attribute/fill-rule https://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=198931 https://github.com/a-student/SvgToVectorDrawableConverter#manual-editing - not supported in Android, not easy to implement conversion - add warnings at least