
Results 9 issues of yuji38kwmt

I am retrying web api request when http status code is 5XX. ``` def fatal_code(e): return 400

In README.md, variable `s002` is used but `s002` does not defined. ``` >>> pc0 = s002.lidar[0] >>> print(pc0.shape) (166768, 6) >>> s002.lidar.set_sensor(0) # set to include only mechanical 360° LiDAR...

# Evironmental * Python3.8.6 * dataclasses-json 0.4.5 # What's happen? When I exected the following python file, `UserWarning: Unknown type str at Person.name` occurred. ```python from __future__ import annotations from...

I want to create har file of slow-loading website. But created har file contents is empty. I added `sleep()` function after `har.start()` , then har file contents is not empty....

- **Poetry version**: 1.7.1 - **Python version**: 3.12.1 - **OS version and name**: Ubuntu 22.04 - **pyproject.toml**: Refer to the following - [x] I am on the [latest](https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/releases/latest) stable Poetry...



# Description [PLW1514](https://docs.astral.sh/ruff/rules/unspecified-encoding/) (`unspecified-encoding`) does not check for uses of `pathlib.Path.open()` without an explicit encoding argument. But with Pylint, [W1514](https://pylint.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user_guide/messages/warning/unspecified-encoding.html) checks. I expect Ruff to behave in the same way...

good first issue

The following code is written in `README.rst`. ``` Documentation ------------- The `documentation`_ for this project will, eventually, reside at pypi.org. .. _`documentation`: https://pipfile.pypa.io/ ``` But `https://pipfile.pypa.io/` is not found.

### Software versions Python version : 3.12.1 (main, Feb 7 2024, 10:25:21) [GCC 11.4.0] IPython version : 8.21.0 Tornado version : 6.4 Bokeh version : 3.4.1 BokehJS static path :...

type: discussion