Sleepy Flower

Results 243 comments of Sleepy Flower

It's hard to say what's causing the crash. What I can see is that it looks like you are using mode ```USE_RUN_THREAD```. Which to be honest, I haven't used in...

change ``` TIPBOT client(GlobalConfig.General.discordToken, 2); ``` to ``` TIPBOT client(GlobalConfig.General.discordToken, SleepyDiscord::USER_CONTROLED_THREADS); ``` Sorry about this, I noticed that a number of users were getting confused about the number so I...

I have actually recently ran into this issue, it seems to happen randomly on a bad connection. This one is going to a hard issue to debug if that's the...

actually that makes sense, most of the time, it does nothing unless you asked for more threads. I can't remember why reset is being called since that was written so...

I'm actually currently making some changes to quit that should hopefully fix this issue. I think it should be finished by tomorrow.

I did some testing and found that adding the predecessor define ``SLEEPY_VOICE_ENABLED`` fixes this, and this is why I wasn't getting this error. I'll see what ``SLEEPY_VOICE_ENABLED`` has to do...

you can remove that function, it's not used nor does it work. I also thought I removed it.

Ok nevermind, it is used. I'll have to fix that

You shouldn't need to edit the cmakelist.txt in this repo, you should be editing your own cmakelist.txt.

here's an example if you need one ```cmake cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.7) project(example) find_library(PCAP_LIBRARY pcap) add_subdirectory(sleepy-discord) add_executable(replace-me main.cpp) target_link_libraries(replace-me ${PCAP_LIBRARY} sleepy-discord) target_include_directories(replace-me path/to/pcap/include) ```