Sleepy Flower

Results 243 comments of Sleepy Flower

I'm not at home, where my computer is, so I can't confirm that this works but I think changing ``` return [timer]() { timer->cancel(); }; ``` to ``` return Timer([timer]()...

I wonder what a vector with one nullptr does. I might make that represent the empty array value.

hmm, I plan on making making a new type template called ``json::Dynamic`` , looking at this endpoint, I think this will be a very good use case.

To give a bit of an update, I've renamed it to ``json::Maybe`` and I've pushed it to the develop branch, I might make another one called ``json::Optional`` if I...

I don't use boost but I'm going to guess that this has something to do with websocket++. However, what would be nice is knowing what file is trying to include...

For now, try adding the preprocessor define ``_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_THREAD_``

Sorry about being late, but I have directions here for predecessor defines. Also you could just look it up, the first result gives you an answer.

> Hi, I keep getting `boost/thread.hpp not found` error even with `_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_THREAD_` defined. Is it possible to fix it? I use mingw64 gcc 8.10 compiler Are you compiling with c++...

The library currently has issues with including boost asio but I have been working on it. You'll see some commits to develop about it very soon.

As for requirements, it seems to be confusing a lot of people. There are no dependencies that is required to use this library but it's recommend to be using other...