Results 28 comments of Yohanan

Well, as for automatic semicolons, I think this has been discussed before (,, It seems most people don't want semicolons (I personally don't either), but I agree with...

Hello! I'm coming back to this issue now (2 years, wow... time passes by really fast.) and I think I've had an idea for the "click to focus" part -...

The problem with adding alias is that not only you will have two different names to open the same application, but also you will still need to refer to the...

I've tested it and, no, it is at the same speed.

(I suggest you to close this issue, since your problem has been solved)

I'd love to have this. By the way, for plugins that can't support portamento (I think FluidSynth has that issue, but I can't confirm it), I'm thinking - maybe simulate...