
Results 180 comments of contra

@ohjames just for the record - gulp doesn't pass anybody sourcemaps. gulp-sourcemaps is responsible for all of that.

Anything about this? Module is unusable right now

@vslinko Thanks, using that and it works fine

To solve media queries I ended up doing this which I think makes way more sense

@ainscore Server-side media queries could specify a default that is executed, or possibly parse user agents to guess the device specs and do your own matching. I'm planning on playing...

What do you think about having media information become a new object that updates a view (similar to this.state and this.props)? ``` js render: function(){ if ( >= 480) {...

@Cethy The mixin seems too complicated. I think something as simple as re-render on `window.onresize` and a sugar `` object (with info like ``, ``, etc.) as a mixin would...

Hmm might not be this plugin, I disabled it and this is still happening. This is a 100% fresh install with no other plugins installed. wat?

@kinolaev Is this fixed by or does it still need to be applied?