Hi. When I use the following command to convert a hg19 `.hic` file to a hg38 `.cool` file: ``` HiCLift --input $INPUT --input-format juicer \ --out-pre $OUT_PREFIX --output-format cool \...
I got a **factor A** whose top50 genes with **high gene weight**, and a **factor B** whose top50 genes with **low gene weight**. Does it mean **factor A** is of...
> As input, the algorithm receives a normalized cell-by-gene **count matrix**. Because I want to use the integrated scRNA data, I only have the processed cell-by-gene expression matrix. Will it...
Hi I'm a green hand of Hi-C. What are the recommended parameters of `chromosight detect --pattern borders`? Especially `min-dist` and `min-dist`. What I have used is ``` chromosight detect \...