I got similar error with layer_bars(). Here is the example: ``` > ToothGrowth %>% ggvis(x = ~len, y = ~dose, fill = ~supp) %>% layer_bars() Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos)...
Winston, Thanks a lot for the trick! Ying
Hi Winston, Sorry one more question: I tried to use add_tooltip() to my layer_boxplots() superimposed with layer_points() plots I want to use values other than the x or y axis...
Hi, I tried a little change, but had no success ``` mtcars %>% ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl)) %>% layer_points(shape= ~factor(gear)) %>% group_by(gear) %>% layer_model_predictions(model = "lm", strokeDash =...
Hi Ian, it works! Thanks a lot for the help! Ying
Hi, Sorry I got another issue. This method seems not work if I have add_tooltips() in the same ggvis plot. ``` mtcars %>% ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(hp)) %>%...
Hi Ian, thanks a lot. It works! Ying