ggvis icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
ggvis copied to clipboard

legends render on top of each other

Open ijlyttle opened this issue 10 years ago • 13 comments

I didn't see this in my quick scan of open issues:

It seems that each legend wants the same top-left attachment point within the view, so end up being printed on top of each other.

Here's an example:

ggvis(mtcars, props(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl), size= ~hp)) + 

Here's the session info (probably time to update to the new version for me):

> sessionInfo()
R version 3.0.2 (2013-09-25)
Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin10.8.0 (64-bit)

[1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] ggvis_0.1.0.99    devtools_1.4.1.99 ggplot2_0.9.3.1   stringr_0.6.2    
[5] reshape2_1.2.2    lubridate_1.3.3   magrittr_1.0.0    dplyr_0.1.2      
[9] knitr_1.5.22     

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] assertthat_0.1     bitops_1.0-6       caTools_1.16       colorspace_1.2-4  
 [5] dichromat_2.0-0    digest_0.6.4       evaluate_0.5.1     formatR_0.10      
 [9] grid_3.0.2         gtable_0.1.2       httpuv_1.2.3       httr_0.2          
[13] labeling_0.2       MASS_7.3-29        memoise_0.1        munsell_0.4.2     
[17] parallel_3.0.2     plyr_1.8.1         proto_0.3-10       RColorBrewer_1.0-5
[21] Rcpp_0.11.0        RCurl_1.95-4.1     RJSONIO_1.0-3      scales_0.2.3      
[25] shiny_0.9.1        tools_3.0.2        whisker_0.3-2      xtable_1.7-1   


ijlyttle avatar Mar 27 '14 13:03 ijlyttle

I see that this issue is alluded-to in the axes-legends vignette, and I found a workaround for the time-being:

ggvis(mtcars, props(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl), size= ~hp)) + 
  layer_point() + 
  guide_legend("size", orient = "left")

I'll leave it to Hadley et al. to decide if this should remain an issue.

I'll take my question on other workarounds to the google group.

ijlyttle avatar Mar 28 '14 15:03 ijlyttle

It looks like there's a bug in creating the legend section of the spec. This should work, but doesn't: ggvis(mtcars, props(x =~ mpg, y =~ disp, fill =~ factor(cyl), size =~ hp)) + layer_point() + guide_legend("size", properties = list(legend = props(y := 150)))

The problem is that in the spec, there should be a section that looks like this:

"legends" : [
    "size" : "size",
    "orient" : "right",
    "properties" : {
      "legend" : {
        "y" : {
          "value" : 100
    "title" : "hp"

But instead the "properties" subsection looks like this, with an extra "update" in there:

  "properties" : {
    "legend" : {
      "update" : {
        "y" : {
          "value" : 150

wch avatar Mar 28 '14 20:03 wch

Hi Winston,

It looks like you've got the issue isolated.



ijlyttle avatar Mar 29 '14 00:03 ijlyttle

Same as #145

hadley avatar May 12 '14 21:05 hadley

Updated example:

mtcars %>% ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl), size= ~hp) %>% 

It would be nice to be able to automatically position the legends so they don't overlap. I suspect we won't be able to position them exactly, but that we'll have to use a heuristic and hope that there's no overlap.

Here's how to manually position the legend. It's way too verbose as-is:

mtcars %>% ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl), size= ~hp) %>% 
  layer_points() %>%
  add_legend(size = "size", properties = legend_props(legend = list(y = 100)))

wch avatar Jun 10 '14 02:06 wch

Hi, I tried a little change, but had no success

mtcars %>% 
  ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl)) %>% 
  layer_points(shape= ~factor(gear)) %>%
  group_by(gear) %>%
  layer_model_predictions(model = "lm", strokeDash = ~factor(gear)) %>%
  add_legend(shape = "shape", properties = legend_props(legend = list(y = 100)))


        Guessing formula = disp ~ mpg
        Error in add_legend(`mtcars %>% ggvis(x = ~mpg, y = ~disp, fill = ~factor(cyl)) %>%           layer_points(shape = ~factor(gear)) %>% group_by(gear) %>%     layer_model_predictions(model =  "lm", strokeDash = ~factor(gear))`,  : 
        unused argument (shape = "shape")

How can I fix this?

Thanks a lot,


yingchen69 avatar Sep 24 '14 20:09 yingchen69

Hi Ying,

This may just be a matter of a misnamed arguement in add_legend(): shape -> scales

Does this work for you?

mtcars %>% 
  ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(cyl)) %>% 
  layer_points(shape= ~factor(gear)) %>%
  group_by(gear) %>%
  layer_model_predictions(model = "lm", strokeDash = ~factor(gear)) %>%
  add_legend(scales = "shape", properties = legend_props(legend = list(y = 100)))

ijlyttle avatar Sep 24 '14 20:09 ijlyttle

Hi Ian, it works! Thanks a lot for the help!


yingchen69 avatar Sep 25 '14 01:09 yingchen69


Sorry I got another issue. This method seems not work if I have add_tooltips() in the same ggvis plot.

mtcars %>% 
  ggvis(x= ~mpg, y= ~disp, fill= ~factor(hp)) %>% 
  layer_points(shape= ~factor(gear)) %>%
  add_tooltip(function(df) df$disp) %>%
  group_by(gear) %>%
  layer_model_predictions(model = "lm", strokeDash = ~factor(gear)) %>%
  add_legend(scales = "shape", properties = legend_props(legend = list(y = 200)))

It works for the first second, then the bottom legend jumps to top and overlaps with the top legends. One more trick?

Thanks a lot,


yingchen69 avatar Sep 25 '14 13:09 yingchen69

This is more of a workaround than a fix.

Try adding set_options(duration = 0) to the end of your ggvis pipe.

ijlyttle avatar Sep 25 '14 13:09 ijlyttle

Hi Ian, thanks a lot. It works!


yingchen69 avatar Sep 25 '14 14:09 yingchen69

A was looking at this issue because I was running into it as well. Although I see the fix to manually place the y position of the legend, how do you know what the y value should be. My legend can shrink and grow. Is it possible to distribute the legends horizontally all cascading from the top? That would leave a lot of undesirable white space but it would avoid the issue of manual placement.

justacec avatar Apr 04 '15 08:04 justacec

For reference, StackOverflow user experiencing the same problem:

voxnonecho avatar Jun 18 '15 14:06 voxnonecho