Thanks for your excellent work! In the paper, SMPL optimization is done before scene-alignment. However, the sequence is reserved in the code. Which one is correct? > "Therefore, we refine...
Thanks for your excellent work! I am confused about how `latents.backward(gradient=grad, retain_graph=True)` computes the loss. And if I want to add another loss on SDS loss, how can I modify...
Thanks for your excellent work! I am wonder why the accumulation steps are just multiplied on the one step loss, but not accumulate gradient with multiple steps. https://github.com/autonomousvision/stylegan-t/blob/36ab80ce76237fefe03e65e9b3161c040ae888e3/training/training_loop.py#L186
Thanks for your excellent work! Could you upload more pretrained models including zju-mocap and h36m?
Hi, how to render normal map with this tool?
How to render SMPLX depth map and normal map aligned with the given renderings?