JCTiledScrollView_Swift icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JCTiledScrollView_Swift copied to clipboard

Jesse Collis's JCTiledScrollView rewritten in Swift. A set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. It aims to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales.

Results 6 JCTiledScrollView_Swift issues
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Hi, I've been using your library and it's been working really well, but lately I've tried to fix this warning without success, so I was wondering if you could find...

Hello. Can i make cropview on tiledview like that: https://github.com/rzmn/CropView

The next layer of tiled images are being rendered as soon as we start zooming. Instead of this the present layer should zoom in as far as the next layer...

Add an option where the user could make new annotation like rectangular (with corner coordinates), circular (with center point and radius) and free-hand drawing (with an array of coordinates being...

I have tiled images at zoom levels 2.5x, 10x and 40x corresponding levels have 4, 64 and 256 number of tiles. Is there a way I can render these tiled...

This is a request, Finding this repository just saved my day. It was quite hard to find this repository. This was the best I could find for my requirement. My...