JCTiledScrollView_Swift icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
JCTiledScrollView_Swift copied to clipboard

Jesse Collis's JCTiledScrollView rewritten in Swift. A set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. It aims to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales.


Jesse Collis's JCTiledScrollView rewritten in Swift. A set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. It aims to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales.

Screenshot Screenshot


This project is based on JCTiledScrollView by Jesse Collis [email protected], @sirjec, JC Multimedia Design.

The "Skipping Girl" image is copyright (c) 2012, Jesse Collis and licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.