Yichi Zhang
Yichi Zhang
CMPopTipView rewritten in Swift. Custom UIView for iOS that pops up an animated "bubble" pointing at a button or other view. Useful for popup tips.
Jesse Collis's JCTiledScrollView rewritten in Swift. A set of classes that wrap UIScrollView and CATiledLayer. It aims to simplify displaying large images and PDFs at multiple zoom scales.
Add line numbers to an instance of NSTextView. The line number view is implemented as a subclass of NSRulerView.
Swift string fuzzy ranking. Score of 0 for no match; up to 1 for perfect. "String".score(word:"str"); //=> 0.825
A drop-in input accessory view that adds a dismiss button and an extra row of characters (can be any numbers, letters or emojis) on top of the keyboard. It mimics the look, feel, and functionality of...
A few class methods to help working with polygons; such as: find the center (centroid) of a polygon; test if a point is with inside a polygon or not.
A view controller that has a scroll view which contains multiple view controllers's views; user can swipe left/right to switch to different views.