Hi, I have finished the train and test in scannet200. However, when I attempt to submit the output in "eval_output/" to the official website of scannet, it recalled back that...
I found there is a 3-dims labels per point, first is the class-id, the second is instance-id, but I don't know the 3rd dim means. I guess it may be...
When I use multi-gpu by change the $gpus in config, I meet the error TypeError: cannot pickle 'MinkowskiConvolutionFunction' object
I should preprocess scannet200 in this scannet200-original Repostitory(LanguageGroundedSemseg,https://github.com/RozDavid/LanguageGroundedSemseg) or the Repostitory(scannet :[https://github.com/ScanNet/ScanNet/blob/master/BenchmarkScripts/ScanNet200/preprocess_scannet200.py)](https://github.com/ScanNet/ScanNet/blob/master/BenchmarkScripts/ScanNet200/preprocess_scannet200.py%EF%BC%89)?
**Describe the bug** When use multi-gpu to train network by pytorch-lighting, it meets error may because "MinkowskiConvolutionFunction" can not pickle("TypeError: cannot pickle 'MinkowskiConvolutionFunction' object") What's more, I found this PR(https://github.com/NVIDIA/MinkowskiEngine/pull/139)...
I follow the operations in https://github.com/ScanNet/ScanNet/tree/master/Segmentator, however when I run the command like "./segmentator scene0707_00_vh_clean_2.ply [kThresh=0.01] [segMinVerts=20]", the "kThresh=0.000000, segMinVerts=0" always works, which means I cannot change the value of...
What are the settings of the num_gpus and batchsize_per_gpu? And what is the total gpu number? Is support gradient_accumulation_steps?