
Results 94 comments of ygj6

type DataList struct { ID string json:"users_id" Name string json:"users_name" Feedback string json:"feedback" } type ArrayClaims []DataList func (m ArrayClaims ) Valid() error { //here your valid code [See.](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/blob/master/claims.go#L28-L60) return...

You can refer to https://pixijs.download/dev/docs/PIXI.Loader.html

`:subfield="false"`设置为单栏,检查一下属性,应该属性拼写错误了。 --- `:subfield="false"` is set to single column, check the properties to see if it is a spelling error. Refer:https://github.com/hinesboy/mavonEditor#props

Great, I don't know much about this, welcome PR.

Vue3 version of mavon-editor should be installed: `npm i [email protected]` Usage: ``` javascript // 全局注册 // import with ES6 import { createApp } from 'vue' import mavonEditor from 'mavon-editor' import...


我们已经发布了`[email protected]`版本,可以在新版本中测试一下问题是否还存在。并且[Demo](https://github.com/hinesboy/mavonEditor/blob/master/src/dev/editor.vue)已经补充了切换codeStyle的例子,可以参考。 --- We have released the `[email protected]` version, you can test whether the issue still exists in the new version. And the [demo](https://github.com/hinesboy/mavonEditor/blob/master/src/dev/editor.vue) has been added with an example of...

@Xxx-Bin 你试试新版本,这个版本修复了部分bug,你这个问题应该解决了。 --- You try the new version, this version fix most of the issue, you this issue should be solved. Related:https://github.com/hinesboy/mavonEditor/commit/e0f8183bd38ffd031544c01ddebfed9249b701fb

感谢你的建议。 我们已经发发布了`[email protected]`版本,新版本中默认启用XSS,不需要在用户传递xssOptions了,并且只有渲染时才会过滤,你可以安装新版本试一下。 --- Thank you for your suggestion. We have released `[email protected]` version, in the new version, XSS is enabled by default, no need to set xssOptions anymore, and xss...
