
Results 94 comments of ygj6

> 1. There should be one error, not two, because the validator is set to output only one error for one field (firstFields: true) Maybe you should change the rules...

Can you provide more detailed usage scenarios?

Can the array of fields to be verified be null characters or empty objects solve your problem?

From testcase : \_\_tests\_\_\number.spec.js: ``` it('transform does not change value', done => { const value = { v: '1', }; new Schema({ v: { type: 'number', transform: Number, }, }).validate(value,...

hmacSampleSecret is the secret you need to set. example: hmacSampleSecret := []byte("the secret key for you") or var hmacSampleSecret []byte if keyData, e := ioutil.ReadFile("test/hmacTestKeyFile"); e == nil { hmacSampleSecret...

Indeed, it will confuse beginners

Doesn't this interface make sense?

This problem is caused by the deserialization calculation precision.

``` generatetoken := jwt.NewWithClaims(jwt.SigningMethodHS256, res) ``` `res` should be a Claims, but it's not actually.

e.g. type DataList struct { ID string `json:"users_id"` Name string `json:"users_name"` Feedback string `json:"feedback"` } type ArrayClaims []DataList func (m ArrayClaims ) Valid() error { //here your valid code [See.](https://github.com/dgrijalva/jwt-go/blob/master/claims.go#L28-L60)...